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Northwood post-graduate students Tam and George Nguyen are not only twins but also share the same passion for animation. 男孩们, 都是才华横溢的插画家, are using part of their year at Northwood to further their skills and are working with animator, 戴夫帕默. Mr. Palmer is an Emmy-nominated illustrator who has drawn for and directed a variety of productions including Blues Clues, 和《后院的人》. He has also been gracious with his time and spends an hour each week via Zoom mentoring the boys’ progress. Tam and George, born in Hanoi, Vietnam, and now living in Melbourne,… 继续阅读


"Today's student-athletes are stronger, 快, 而且比过去几年更加专注, says 澳门金沙app下载's Athletic Trainer, 安迪·多纳泰罗. 和唐尼, as he's known to the school community, shares his perspective from 26 years in the position.

After graduating from the University of New Hampshire in kinesiology and athletic training, he earned his Master's in Athletic Training at Indiana State University. Then, after two years working with Lake Placid Sports Medicine, he came to Northwood in 1997. “我喜欢每天来上班. Helping an injured athlete heal and get back… 继续阅读


The 机组人员's fall racing began on 24 September with the Tail of the Fish, 在鱼溪, 在萨拉托加斯普林斯. Competing for Northwood were Gus Garvey '25 and Colin Kis '24 in the Boys' Varsity Single; Ashley Guevara '24 in the Girls' Varsity Single; and the Nelson twins, 克里斯蒂安和23岁的阿曼达, 在女子双打中获胜. 的赛船会, occurring for the first time since 2019, Ran的缩写形式, as a 3000-meter "stake" race (out-and-back time trial) on a 1500-meter buoyed course in the wide straightaway of the creek. Our squad of inexperienced racers were there to keep their wits… 继续阅读


Five cities in ten days -- by the end of my trip out West with Head of School, Mr. Maher, I was both tired and exhilarated.  

The great perk of working in the Advancement Office is meeting with my former students and many who preceded me at Northwood and learning of their fascinating occupations and life stories, beginning with Pam Scheideler ’90 and Justin Gray ’92 in L.A.   

Our visit in that city featured a terrific party hosted by Bob Valentine ‘57 at the Manhattan Beach Club. Being near Hollywood, we were not surprised to meet a mix of traditional occupations (… 继续阅读


WPTZ (NBC) TV recently traveled to the Olympic Center to profile a few of this year's Prep and Varsity hockey players.

Click the link below to enjoy the show!

